
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Donald Trump New MLM Network Marketing Pre-launch

A note from Donald J. Trump

America is at a crossroads.
At no time in recent history has our economy been in the state that it is today. We’re in the midst of an economic meltdown created by Wall Street greed, financial industry ineptitude, and a multi-billion dollar government bail out of the financial system that isn’t working.

Trump Network Marketing

The American dream has been hijacked by complacency and incompetence. My experience in real estate has taught me that the greatest opportunities exist when economic times are at their worst. That’s why, after the real estate crash of the ‘90s, I came back stronger than ever. The first thing I learned is that when times are tough, you need to hedge your bets—you need to diversify.

If you don’t do what I did, and diversify your income, you will most likely see your net worth diminish. Worst case, you could lose everything.

The good news is, you don’t have to. Diversifying is a way to protect your income so that you can continue to do what you know and love and still make money. The second thing I learned is that the economy goes in cycles. When some industries fail, others take off. For example, when the real estate industry was tanking in the early 90’s, the network marketing industry exploded. During hard times, people with an entrepreneurial spirit flock to network marketing opportunities.
That’s why I am putting my name and my expertise behind this company. It’s got great products, great training, great support, and a solid foundation. I believe in the founders and I believe in their team. And, just as important, I believe this is a ground floor opportunity that’s only begun to tap into vast market potential.
We’re re-launching the company as The Trump Network Marketing. Trump Network Marketing products that help make people healthier, an opportunity for you to make as much money as you want, based on your own efforts, and the support of an organization that’s got it all together. You can get back your financial independence and diversify your income now, instead of simply waiting for things to turn around. Join me in Trump Network Marketing

Take the leap of faith that’s necessary in this worthwhile endeavor.– Donald J. Trump

Trump Network Marketing

This may be your only chance to reclaim your health, your financial security, and the American dream. Joining Ideal Health now, could be one of the most important decisions you will ever make. The timing, the products, the training, and the opportunity couldn’t be better. Make no mistake. The announcement that Donald Trump has put his name and entrepreneurial know-how behind the Ideal Health organization and Trump Network Marketing is going to rock the network marketing industry to its foundation. By joining NOW, you will already have the organization, support and tools in place to take the most advantage of the extraordinary growth that will take place when The Trump Network Marketing is formally presented to the world in

October, 2009.Take control of your future. The best day of your life is the one when you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours—it is an amazing journey—and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. Where else can you create residual income and realize the life of your dreams?

The right products. The right training. The right time.

As the first company in America to offer affordable customized nutritional supplementation based on metabolic testing, Ideal Health has always been about improving the health of millions of Americans.

Trump Network Marketing

Ideal Health officially becomes The Trump Network™ in October 2009“I'm 32 years old with no experience in health, nutrition, or networking. I believed in the products and I knew they could make me financially free. I went from a little apartment to my first home and a new car. I now spend more time with my friends and family, and I have no financial stress which changes everything.”

—Vanessa Puleo (Florida)

sharing the huge financial wealth being created by new opportunities in the nutrient supplement industry. Now, with its nationally recognized branding, Trump Network Marketing will increase these opportunities exponentially.

An enormous demand for science-based nutritional supplement products. It’s no secret that the food, drug and advertising industries, in their quest for profits, have robbed our foods of nutrients. They are filling our bodies with drugs that can deplete nutrients, and they are selling us foods that cause sickness in the name of convenience and vanity. The need for good nutrition is so great that a recent report by two Harvard University researchers in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) states that Americans need to supplement their diets to remain healthy. But, supplementing alone isn't enough. Off-the-shelf, “one-size-fits-all” vitamins cannot possibly provide anyone with optimal nutrition because they are created for a hypothetical “average” person. No such person exists. The solution is test-based customization. Developed in partnership with one of the world’s foremost nutritional laboratories, and backed by a distinguished scientific advisory board made up of physicians, nutritionists, and other health care professionals, The Trump Network Marketing custom tests and supplements have been quietly changing the way people think about nutrition for over a decade.
Cutting-edge nutritional and health products that keep you ahead of the curve. The Trump Network scientists are continually at workdeveloping breakthrough nutritional and other lifeenhancing products that people need and want. For Trump Network Marketing The wellness industry is huge and growing rapidly because...There are over 79 Million Baby Boomers, aged between 43 to 62.“Wellness is the next trillion dollar industry.”—Wellness Revolution—Paul Zane Pilzer This market segment represents 1/3 of the population, and has 2/3 of the spending power in the U.S. example, our QuikStik™ series of mood infusion beverages which provide a healthy, more effective alternative to caffeine and sugar pick-me-ups are being purchased faster than we can make them. And our body-changing Silhouette Solution™ program offers rapid, safe weight loss without hunger by taking advantage of the way human metabolism was designed to function. Both of these new products set a new standard in their respective markets.
Now is the time to start building residual income. Now is the time to prepare your foundation for The Trump Network™. When you become a "product of the product", that is when you experience the life-changing benefits of customized nutrition, and when you achieve your own weight loss goals using our bariatric products, it’s easier than ever to personally share your experience with others using the powerful tools we provide. These include Trump Network Marketing multimedia CDs, video and audio presentations; 24/7online web presentations; sophisticated web accessed direct mail programs... and much more. Just think how far ahead of the crowd you’ll be when you become part of The Trump Network in October. Here's how it works…

Trump Network Marketing will market our products directly to consumers through an innovative recurring-revenue model designed to create residual wealth for its Independent Marketers .It works through a process of duplication.
Each Independent Marketer presents the concept of custom nutrition based on testing, the products and supplements, and the business opportunity to family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. A certain percentage of these individuals purchase the product and join the company as Independent Marketers themselves, thus “duplicating” the person who first told them about it. They in turn present to their family and friends in the same way. Building a successful network business…As a Trump Network Marketing Marketer, you can grow a large and profitable sales organization in a relatively short time. If you bring in just three new Marketers in your down line organization; and each of them in turn brings in three more, you can see how quickly an organization of customers and marketers can grow. As your down line grows, you receive a share of the profits made on sales of the product and sales materials made by your recruits, and by their recruits, ad infinitum. Once you’ve established a large downline of self-duplicating Marketers, your share of the profits flowing upwards grows substantially and exponentially. Obviously, the more new people with whom you share the opportunity, the faster your organization grows, and the higher your potential income.

Then, when October comes, new Trump Network Marketing Marketers will be joining your organization faster than others, because you will already have an established, growing business. A perfect convergence of trends…Right now, three trends are coming together that will take our industry to a whole new level. We know that dramatic growth occurs most when these trends converge: An economy in recession. As the economic downturn and record unemployment continues, more and more people are looking for opportunities to make money An ageing population. There are now 79 million Baby Boomers between the ages of 43-62 in the U.S. who are driving the demand for products that can help them maintain their yout hand vitality.
Trump Network Marketing Drug-free wellness. Millions of Americans now realize that the answer to many of their health problems are nutraceuticals, not pharmaceuticals. Your timing couldn’t be better. We are positioned like no other company in our industry to capture the lion’s share of the market with the best customized tests, nutritional supplements and bariatric weight loss products ever developed. With iMail,® your growth potential is virtually unlimited.

In addition, when you purchase our proprietary, web-enabled direct-mail program—iMail—you can automatically extend your reach and develop new prospects long after the pool of local friends and family has been exhausted. Thus you are able to establish new downlines in multiple geographic areas far from home. Make freedom your goal. As you build a large Trump Network Marketing organization, you will discover more and more that you have the freedom to do what you want, when you want.
With this new freedom comes the time to spend with your family, take care of your health and your family’s health, travel the world, contribute toy our favorite charities, and live the lifestyle of your dreams. Freedom means never having to worry about money again. Before you can make a fortune, you have to make a commitment.


The American Icon is about to change Network Marketing forever!

The economy is in the deepest recession of our lifetimes.
92% of families are deeply concerned about their financial futures.
Baby boomers are watching their retirement plans get pushed years away- and are fearful about making the money they need.
Never before have elements come together to create the:

And the birth of a New Network Company


The Trump Network™, which is scheduled to officially launch in October ‘09, is now accepting prelaunch applicants who seek to position themselves in the Company before Trump commences with his massive marketing campaign.

Trump claims that the multi-billion dollar government bailout of the financial system isn’t working and that the American dream has been hijacked. He claims that those who
join now have the opportunity to “opt out of the current recession.” He also states, “This program will attract people who want and need to diversify their income.”

Rick Walsh, who conducts daily Trump webinars, believes Donald Trump’s name will lend credibility to the network marketing industry like no other person in history and says he is certain the Trump Network™ will become the biggest network marketing company in history.

Prelaunch applicants are being accepted starting today then Trump himself will be conducting massive media promotion on Oprah, the Tonight Show, Larry King, the Today show, numerous press releases, online news broadcasts, major business magazines, and every daily newspaper in America--as well as newspaper business sections.

Why We Want to Make You Rich

Trump, Kiyosaki Endorse Network Marketing in a New Book

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki endorse network marketing together in a book called: Why We Want You to Be Rich. Robert Kyosaki and Donald Trump know what you should do to establish your family's income for generations. You can make your commitment to multi-level marketing with extreme confidence.

Custom Vitamins:

Your body is unique. The bio-nutrients it needs for optimal functional health may be different from those that someone else needs.

That's why ordinary multivitamins don't cut it. Multivitamins from the drugstore, and expensive supplements from nutrition and health food stores alike, can leave you with too much of some nutrients, too little of others, or none at all of other particular nutrients your body needs.

The simple truth is that "one-size-fits-all" multivitamin cannot provide you with optimal nutrition because they are created for a hypothetical "average" person. No such person exists.

On top of that, many ingredients in drug store brand multivitamins are in hard-to-absorb forms, or their ingredients are isolated from their synergistic nutrient partners—facts which can greatly reduce their effectiveness.

Ideal Health's unique Custom Essentials® are a customized formula of the highest quality nutrients chosen for your body's unique needs based on the results of a sophisticated test (the PrivaTest®) that looks at metabolic markers in your urine.

The PrivaTest®

What you need is what you get
with this cutting edge metabolic test.

The PrivaTest is an accurate, scientific way to take a snapshot of the most critical metabolic markers in your body’s natural waste fluids to determine the status of your nutritional health and your body’s natural ability to detoxify itself. A scientific window into your personal biochemistry,* the PrivaTest determines cellular function by measuring markers in three critical areas:

* Urinary Sulfates–A marker for sulfur reserves (needed for your liver's detoxification processes).
* Urinary Lipid Peroxides–A marker for oxidative stress (determines your general antioxidant status).
* Urinary Nitrates–A marker for the regulation of nitric oxide (a compound involved in many body systems including your immune system, nervous system and circulatory system).

Research has shown that poor or altered function in these areas may be the root cause of many health challenges. By reading them, the PrivaTest can tell you where you need nutritional support, and how much or little of it you need.

A scientific test designed to put your mind at rest…
Scientists know that a number of complex interrelated factors affect the specific nutrients each person needs. There are common factors like age, gender and weight – variable factors like genetics, diet, exercise, environment, stress levels and emotional reactions – and metabolic factors that change throughout your life and can often disable the built-in body systems that maintain your health.

To ensure that your key metabolic processes are getting the support they need, you need a direct and accurate biochemical evaluation of them.

Traditional nutritional testing measures the nutrients that happen to be in your blood at any given time. But to really know what's going on in your body, you need to know if these nutrients are getting into your cells, and how your cells are using them. One of the best ways to do that is to look at the end products of your metabolism in your urine.

That's exactly what the PrivaTest is designed to do. It starts with a simple home collection kit which you send to our lab for analysis via prepaid FEDEX.

Based on the latest in nutritional science…
After analysis at our lab, your test results are sent to you in your personal PrivaTest Report, revealing key information about the three critical biochemical pathways described earlier.

The 48 Custom Essentials formulations were developed using a database of over 100,000 participants and over 30,000 scientific nutrition studies from top research institutions. Your Custom Essentials blend is the best nutritional selection for you out of 48 possible combinations of 50 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and whole food concentrates.

Be your best with targeted nutrition.

Custom Essentials are a true breakthrough in cutting edge nutritional science. They arethe first and best customized multivitamin that uniquely targets your body's needs based on the results of a revolutionary metabolic test.

Custom Essentials are unique among high quality customized nutritional supplement programs in their affordability. Both Custom Essentials and the metabolic test on which they are based are priced to put true customization within reach of most Americans.

When you receive your first month's supply of Custom Essentials with your PrivaTest Report, you'll have in your hands the distillation of years of research on human nutrition, herbal medicine, biochemistry and metabolic science.

A daily tune-up for all your vital systems.

Whether you’re looking for a men's multivitamin or a women's multivitamin, Custom Essentials is for you. Taking Custom Essentials is like giving yourself a daily tune-up with targeted nutrition unavailable from any other source. Critical nutrients falling below needed levels are added to, excess intake is reduced, and harmful toxins are removed every day!

And you never need worry about missing your daily tune-up. Ideal Health's convenient AutoShip service means that five to seven days before one month's supply of Custom Essentials runs out, your next month's supply is on its way.

There's nothing to remember. No trips to the store. No phone calls to make. No checks to write. It all happens automatically.

Quality unavailable from any other source.

While most other multivitamins contain less than 20 ingredients, Custom Essentials multivitamin is a blend of up to 50 pharmaceutical-grade vitamins, chelated minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients.

These ingredients are buffered to be gentle on your stomach and have a low potential for allergic reactions. They’re designed to stay in your body longer and many are already in their "activated" form, which means they go to work immediately to detoxify, provide digestive support and increase energy production. The minerals are chelated with amino acids to be sure that your body absorbs the essential nutrients.

Your individual formula is carefully balanced and combined with a rich, naturally grown food base.

Custom Essentials is not a stock supplement that has been private-labeled. It is produced exclusively for Ideal Health—and for you—by a formulator that has been supplying healthcare professionals with quality nutritional supplements for over 50 years. This is why Custom Essentials is the best multivitamin on the market today.

Can you think of a better gift to give your body than custom health and peace of mind?

Sometimes baseline custom nutrition just isn’t enough.

Most of the time, and for most people, Ideal Health's PrivaTest and Custom Essentials take care of all basic nutritional needs for maintaining optimal health. However, some biochemical pathways are not included in the PrivaTest because they may not need to be tested in every person. And sometimes, health-threatening imbalances can occur in these other pathways.

The Custom Test Series was created to give you a way to access even more information about your individual biochemistry, whether you're just curious or if certain personal symptoms indicate that you really should investigate a particular area.

Through our exclusive manufacturing and testing arrangements, and by making use of economies of scale, we have made these tests uniquely affordable. In fact, our tests cost far less than those purchased through doctors' offices. And many doctors prefer our tests over similar tests to save their patients money.

Each product in this series consists of:

* An in-home biochemical pathway test you send to our lab.
* A coordinating targeted support product (if your test results indicate that you need it) that further customizes your total health program, of which Custom Essentials is the foundation. To date, around 40% of test results indicate a need for additional metabolic support.

When you receive the results of your test, we will include in your test report a number of holistic, diet and lifestyle changes you can make to address any concerns. And if needed, the appropriate targeted support product will be included.

The Custom Test Series includes:
Test Type Targeted Product
AllerTest® blood spot AllerCaps®
DigestTest® urine DigestCaps®
EstrogenaTest® urine EstrogenaCaps®
OsteoTest® urine OsteoCaps®
StressTest® saliva StressCaps® I & II

Why Ideal Health supplements are the finest in the world.

Ideal health Product Quality:

Why Ideal Health supplements are the finest in the world.

State-of-the-art formularies & research facilities
Ideal Health's formulary facilities have been supplying healthcare professionals all over the world with quality nutritional supplements for 50 years. Our professional research staff includes Ph.D.'s with degrees in biochemistry, clinical nutrition, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, and microbiology.

The lab that does the testing also employs professional researchers including Ph.D.'s, registered nurses, and clinical nutritionists.

Ideal Health employs research and production facilities on both coasts of the United States as well as in Europe (the Netherlands) and in Shanghai, China. The Asian and European facilities are vital for research and materials acquisition for European, Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs.

Manufacturing processes that preserve potency and assure quality
Our formulary uses a true cold-processing technique that preserves potency. For capsules, this means that the product never gets above 77 degrees during processing. Our products get results because the nutrients are intact.

Many other manufacturers use fluid granulation, a cheaper process in which the material is mixed with water and then dried and evaporated. They do this to improve compression. However, this often damages synergistic co-partners and decreases the potency of the ingredients.

Then, to insure uniform nutrient distribution for complex formulations, we developed a "stepped" blending technique that can involve up to 15 separate steps for each of 48 permutations of 50 nutrients. You can be absolutely sure that what it says on the label of your Custom Essentials is actually in each daily dose.